Chamber News

Member Meetings

In 2025, member meetings will be held on the 1st WEDNESDAY of every other month at 6:00 PM beginning Feb. 5, 2025. The meetings will be held at various businesses with beverages and snacks provided. The Board of Directors encourages attendance in order to increase membership engagement.

Wed. Feb. 5, 2025: 6:00 PM - LOCATION: Kent Memorial Library, 32 North Main St., co-hosted by The Kent Dispatch

Wed. April 2, 2025: 6:00 PM ~ LOCATION: 109 Cheese Market, 6 Kent Green Blvd., Kent

Wed. June 4, 2025: 6:00 PM ~ LOCATION: Kent Art Association, 21 South Main St, Kent

Wed. Aug. 6, 2025: 6:00 PM ~ LOCATION: Hudson Valley Preservation, 27 Maple St., Kent

Wed. Oct. 1, 2025: 6:00 PM ~ LOCATION: Wilson’s Cafe, 8 North Main St., Kent

Wed. Dec. 3, 2025: 6:00 PM ~ LOCATION TBD